Georgie, tell us a little about yourself.

Romance is what I write.
Romance is what I love.
A mother of three busy children and an English teacher wasn’t enough of a workload for me, a suburban housewife from Sydney, Australia. I wanted more. I wanted to be an author. For many years I thought it was pie in the sky dreaming until one day I sat my butt down and began to write. Really write.
It’s been a steep learning curve at times but with the support of my loving husband and children, family and friends along with the readers who have joined me on this journey, I’m having way too much fun to ever stop!
This story seems a big departure from your previous book. What inspired this novel and the series to come?
wanted to write a story and series that captured the Sydney inner city landscape.
I love this city. Its inner suburbs are packed with a diverse, eccentric,
eclectic crowd and I think maybe some part of me misses it as I now live (and
have done for many years) in the burbs, which is beautiful but different.
Further, I wanted to explore the
idea of how easily and quickly an individual’s life can change from the
ordinary and mundane to the extraordinary and dangerous. The blurb to this
novel begins with: It only takes one wrong turn to change your life forever.
In Doctors Beyond Borders, my debut
novel, my heroine knew her life was going to change the moment she joined
Medecins Sans Frontieres and stepped foot onto Sudanese soil as an aid worker. Lacey
and Alex from CUFFS have no clue. She was just late for work and he was just
doing his job when their lives were turned upside down.Finally, I wanted to explore the idea of freedom and understanding through capture. Though this is not a BDSM book, I toyed with this concept throughout the novel without it necessarily being about sex, although there are some raunchy scenes that also examine the concept! I’m not going to leave you high and dry, trust me!
Tell us about your main characters?
Lacey Maples is my heroine. She’s a twenty two year old wholesome country girl attending Sydney University. She loves the city life and feels safe until she is confronted with a horrific scene and is relentlessly pursued and captured.
Petrov, my main man is tough, sexy and dangerous. His life for almost a year
has been converging on one point. The last thing he expected was Lacey to enter
the scene and fubar it all.
Eugene Maric is the head honcho of a
Sydney crime ring. He is no doubt a dangerous guy but he adds a twist of black
comedy to the story.
How big a part does the setting play in the series?
A huge part. The urban landscape provides a perfect
back drop for The Undercover series as it embraces the different elements of
the story (and the series) perfectly; the criminal underbelly, the young, fresh
uni student, the tough as nails cop all coexisting in this diverse demographic.
What can we look forward to in the sequel?
I love this story. It’s cool, unpredictable and absorbing. It’s set in the dark
and dingy nightclub world where music and drugs are at the heart of the party.
Lacey, Alex and a dangerous criminal, Turk from CUFFS make an appearance in
this novel, however, this is Elizabeth and Kurt’s story. Again, it’s an urban
tale, set in Sydney, conveying the themes of love, trust and excess and it will
be released in October this year.
Thanks, Georgie, I'm really looking forward to reading this novel.
It only takes one wrong
turn to change your life forever.
Witnessing a murder was not on Lacey Maples’s agenda for the evening. Neither was being spotted, caught and cuffed to a cement mixer. So when the perpetrator tries to convince her he’s protecting her, she’s far from convinced. Especially when she sees the twinkle in his eye.
For Alex Petrov, Lacey is a major glitch in an otherwise perfect plan. While his motives are pure, he can’t allow Lacey to interfere before the drug deal goes down in two days’ time, least of all by getting herself killed.
If Alex could reveal his plans to her, he would, but it would only make her position more dangerous. And he’s rapidly discovering he would do almost anything to protect her.
The operation is at stake. That’s all that matters. Lives hang by a thread. And sometimes, when lives hang in the balance, people do the craziest things.
Alex cursed under his breath when he reached her. Curled up in the foetal position, she had drifted asleep still cuffed to the cement mixer. He crouched and his fingers reached out and carefully shifted the strands of hair that hid her cherubic face.
During their feisty meeting he had drawn in her scent and revelled in her body crushed against his. It was like he had been shot with a dose of horny goat weed. He could have lost himself in her sweet, summery scent on a cold winter’s night like tonight, but that was just pie in the sky.
In his line of work it wasn’t often that he came across anyone quite so perfect, though. Not ever. And now, as his eyes settled on her in an isolated building site, he could linger without interruption for a couple of minutes and soak up her features, locking them into his memory file for other lonely, cold, winter nights.
The pads of his fingers that had swept her hair aside ever so gently rolled the silky strands between them. He couldn’t help think she looked like Sleeping Beauty from the fairy-tale book his sister had had when they were kids. He craved to lean down and kiss her plump, pink lips like the guy in the story. Trouble was, he was no Prince Charming.
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Twitter: @GeorgieTyler2